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Card-making-magic, Issue #067 -- Holiday Time
July 24, 2015

Holiday Time ...

Hi Everybody,

Well it's that time of year for me to be thinking about a holiday, and soaking up some of that lovely sunshine that is around.

I have been busy scheduling blog posts to go out while I am away and hopefully everything will tick along without me for a while.

I have lots more goodies to share with you once I am back at my desk and so I hope you will pop over to both the website ... Card Making Magic and the blog at

Flowers, Ribbons and Pearls

The Tuesday Tutorial will go out as normal each week ...just to keep you occupied and if there is anything that you wanted to know in particular then drop me a line and I will do my very best to show you how to use it.

There is also a new tutorial from me added to the Spellbinders Blog page each month too

Please remember that you are very welcome to add any projects that you make, and would like to show off, to the Gallery pages on the Website.

You will need to tell me something about how you made the card and also a little about you. I cannot accept one line submissions and they will not be added if you remain anonymous.

The reason for that it that other people may want to know how you made it and of course I cannot tell them what you did or used or even the size of the finished card

So please let them know what you have done and be polite and add your name. Plus I need good quality photos too.

They don't have to be professional but they need to be clear and not blurred so that people can see the detail in your work

The process is very simple and you can add four photos at any one time. Either the same card from four different angles ... or four different cards.

Card Making Gallery

You will create your very own page on my website and many people will read it. And they will want the answers to those questions and only you can answer them.

The Friday Freebie still goes ahead on the blog each week and I give away one of the cards that I have made. For the next three weeks though it wont be available due to my holiday

I have also appeared several times in the last few weeks on Create and Craft TV and hopefully I will be back again later in the month.

I will add dates and times to Blog posts as they happen and I hope you will join me as I show you how to make some really pretty cards with Spellbinders.

Flowers Ribbons and Pearls

Updates ...

My YouTube channel has grown once more in the last few months and I now have 28,412 followers.

Between them they have viewed the tutorials 5,498,798 times and all the comments are very encouraging. I have lots more planned for the coming months

If you visit YouTube please let me know what you thought of the tutorial you have watched in the comments box below it.

Click the like button and become a subscriber as that lets YouTube know that you would like more tutorials from me

Facebook is also there for you to click the "Like" button and leave me more of your comments, stories or questions.

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