Good morning Sue.
Thank you for sharing your card with us.
What a lovely thought to recycle the lace on to another card back to the person who actually made the lace. Obviously she will be delighted
Apr 24, 2015 Rating
lovely by: Jenny Cottam
What a beautiful card and such a good idea to recycle
Apr 24, 2015 Rating
Sue, by: rinda
very good idea to use things again. and a very pretty card
Apr 24, 2015 Rating
Handmade Lace Card by: Nancy Pence, USA
Sue, your card is beautiful, not only in its design, but because of your thoughtfulness and consideration in repurposing your friends' handmade lace. I would love to see her face when she realizes that it is the same lace that she put on the Christmas card that she gave to you! What a wonderful gesture!