Your Retirement ...

Your retirement needs planning, and no matter what age you are, you will want to retire someday.

Your age is just a number and not a barrier to doing the things you want to do.

So what do you plan on doing with the rest of your life?

Maybe you are lucky enough to be still in your late 40's/50's, and have something else that you are moving on to do.

You could be in the 50's/60's age group,  and you are fit and healthy 

Or maybe you are 60's/70's  or older, and not ready to be a couch potato  just yet 

So what is it that you would like to do?

Some people have definite goals, and the finance to achieve these goals. 

Retire To Something

But what we don't plan on doing is getting to this stage in our lives and then stagnating.

After all you could be around for another 20 or 30 years after you retire ... and if you are lucky maybe even longer. 

So you need to think about what you want from your retirement.

How will you fill all this extra time?
Would you like to earn some money to supplement your retirement
What do you know something about, that you can develop?

For me it was cardmaking, for you it can be anything you want.

But we can all build a website around what we know.

This is not something I would ever have thought of doing a few years ago, but I wanted an interest that would challenge me.

I enjoy's a pity I didn't do more of it at school!

But now in my 7th decade I am learning all over again. I knew nothing about computers, building a website or html....and still don't.

But I don't need to. I joined SBI in January of 2009, and had my domain name chosen by March of that year.

SBI have a block building system that builds all your pages block by block. Easy peasy! Even I can do that.

But don't let me mislead you into thinking it's a doddle, it's not, it's hard work and a lot of learning.

It doesn't matter what age you are, male or female, brainy or not, able bodied or house bound, if you have a computer then YOU can do this too.

Just take a look at what SBI have to offer, and read it carefully.

Take your time to research what they can do, because it can change your life, and if you aren't happy there is a money back guarantee. What more can you ask for.

It won't all happen overnight, it will take your time and energy.

It will leave you frustrated when you get stuck on something, but all the help you need is there for the asking, and in the end it has to be worth it.

It will certainly challenge you. And that is what I needed, maybe you do too.

To build for yourself a future that you can look forward to.

To earn for yourself an income that will support you in your retirement and end up making these the best years of your life.

There is a complete "Action Guide" to follow step by step, taking slowwwwww and steady steps.

You can work at your own pace, and if you get stuck you can visit the forums and ask all the questions you need, and get the answers from experienced SBIer's.

A lot of it went over my head, and as I am still learning some of it still does, but at least I am facing my challenges, stretching my mind and keeping very busy.

I am enjoying myself immensely in this process, and I have the capacity to learn.

There is a coaching system in place if you get stuck on anything, and this is something I have taken advantage of, and found very useful.

Your website is hosted completely, and everything you need is at your finger tips.

All the teaching, help, advice, tips and techniques are all there waiting for you.

I want to build a retirement where I am not worried about every single penny, one that I can look forward to.

To earn for myself an income that will support our lifestyle as we get older.

If you are retired, or coming up to it, and want a real challenge then, take a look at SBI and what it can offer you

And if like me, you want a challenge in your retirement then click on the link below, it opens in a new window. You have absolutely nothing to lose by looking.

Take a look at my website, all achieved with work and determination by me, and all with the SBI system.

If I can start this new adventure in my 60's, then anybody can.

Let your retirement be the start of something new for you.

And the beauty of all this is that your website is earning you an income on autopilot while you are off on yet another adventure!!

Remember 60 is the new 40, and life is good!

Your Retirement Update

On the 21st November 2011 I retired from a job I had been doing for almost 25 years.

I was leaving the rat race to work for myself, doing the thing I love the most, bringing good quality content to the people that matter most and that is the visitors to this website.

And if the only thing stopping you is the finance, find out how you can build a new future,  with easy to manage monthly payments.

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Online Business 

Work from Home

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