More About Card Sizes

More about card sizes will help to clear up any confusion between UK and US card.  

Most people think that the sizing is the same world wide but it isn't and so it just causes one rather large headache for new people who cannot understand what is going wrong.

So when I said I was going to do some tutorials with A2 sized card my UK readers thought I had lost the plot ... 

And that is the reason for the tutorial ... to show the difference between the two A2's and help you with your card making in the future.

It is a short video but informative

Looking at photographs of cards does not really give you any idea as to the proper size. 

But the video will at least show some of the sizes referred too 

I used the UK A4 as my reference point as that is the size that most UK cardmakers would be familiar with.

And we score it, fold  it, cut it, shape it into all manner of styles. And of course US do exactly the same with their card making ... but their sizes are not the same as ours.

Their equivalent to our A4 is US letter size and I have been reliably informed by US readers that it is 8 1/2 x 11 inches.  

And where we would fold an A4 in half ... which becomes an A5 card ... and decorate it ... US like the 5 x 7 size because of the restrictions with their postal service.

Then we would cut the A5 in half and fold the half to make an A6 card ... US make a smaller version and call it ...... A2

So I hope that the video will help to clear up any thoughts you had on the matter and you will find other videos to help you with

 Weights and Sizes 
Basic Cardfolds 
Matting and Layering

All just information for those new to cardmaking and not sure of the terms used.

Then as your confidence grows try some of the other projects and view video on other subjects that will take you step by step through each stage.

Click some of the links below for lots more ideas for you to try 

Card Making Tutorials

Easy Projects

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Kinetic Cards

Novelty Cards


Useful Resources

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