by Vee-Anne
(West Midlands)
My ribbons were tucked in a drawer and getting in a mess. I'd used cards and cut out the shape to wrap ribbon round but found them becoming unravelled.
So now for my wider ribbons I bought one of those foam rolls that are for use in keeping you afloat when swimming, and I wrapped my ribbons round that.
I start off by sellotaping one end to the foam and then wrap round and at the end of the ribbon I insert a dressmaking pin into the ribbon and through the foam.
Easy to undo and I keep it tucked away in the corner next to my craft desk.
It's easy to see at a glance what is on there.
As a crafter I look at everything now with different eyes to see what other way I can use things for!
Christina says ...
Thank you for this excellent tip Vee-Anne it is one that I am sure many crafters will be following as we all like to add those ribbons to our cards.
Keeping them in this way saves all the tangled mess that can spoil them .... but here's a tip if your ribbons do get creased.
I have an old set of hair straightners and they make an excellent mini-iron to run down the ribbon length to get rid of all those creases.
Works a treat!!
Comments for Ribbon storage
Oct 15, 22 09:17 AM
Jul 19, 21 10:12 AM
Jul 19, 21 09:34 AM